
RentCenter location and opening hours

We serve you in Hatanpään valtatie 40 H, 33900 Tampere, Finland (Google Maps Aukeaa uuteen välilehteen). The office door is on the Hatanpään valtatie side of the building.

Office is located about kilometer towards Hatanpää from the center of the town.

We are open from Mon to Fri 8 am to 4 pm and Fri 8 am to 5 pm excluding midweek holidays. We are open also by agreement. See differing opening hours from the front page.

The cars are returned refueled. In Hatanpää, there are several service stations within a kilometer radius to north and south of our office.


You can park your car to our parking area. Our parking area is located at the back yard of the office (Google Maps Aukeaa uuteen välilehteen).

If you arrive with a rental electric scooter, please park it at the edge of the green area between our office and the Hatanpään valtatie. Please don't park in front of the office or in car parking lots.

If you arrive with bicycle there is bike rack at the back yard of the office. We also have limited possibility to store your bike in a warehouse that opens with a code. You can leave bike there and pick it up when you return rental car.

Public transportation

Many buses stop near our office. You can check bus routes and schedules from Repa Reittiopas Aukeaa uuteen välilehteen. You can change language to English from top right corner of the page.

Map to office and carage
Contact information:
Location and opening hours:
Open Mon - Thu 8 am - 4 pm and Fri 8 am - 5 pm and by agreement
Social media:

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